Bike Mielec
Bike Mielec
Bike Mielec
Bike Mielec
Bike Mielec


FIXED GEAR / TRACK frame characteristics.

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In the pictures at the top you will find a sample of our capabilities. Each of these frame was made to individual order.
In production we put all our experience and heart.
The frame on the fixed gear of this type can also be Yours.
The cost of "simple" frame that's 120Euro - Headsets traditional, in front triangel round pipes, back triangle down oval- top round, dropouts with inserts.
It is possible to create a smooth welds - it' cost 30 Euro.
Frames are powder coated in a RAL color, or airbrush art (the price then depends on the project).
You can also change the tube in your frame:

Technical data:
